ARTS-S Whale Tagger
Telemetry Studies – Large Scale Migration
The ARTS system is widely used especially in telemetry studies where satellite tags have been deployed to a number of different whale species; blue whales, fin whales, sei whales, bowhead whales, humpback whales, minke whales, sperm whales and killer whales. New projects adapt their own deployment carrier for specific tags, or they consult the firm of Lars Kleivane, LKARTS-Norway, to adapt their tags for deployments with the ARTS system*. At present satellite tags from Wildlife Computers, Telonics and Sirtrack have been deployed with the ARTS system.
Small to Semi Scale Behavior Studies
In studies involved in fine scale mapping of behavior, the instruments in use are mostly data-loggers and vhf tags, where the tags are attached to the whale for shorter periods from hours to some few days. A variety of sensor packages exist on the marked, and at present VHF tags (ATS), VHF/TDR tags (ATS, WC, Star-Oddi), CTAGs (LKARTS-Norway), and more sophisticated sensor packages like DTAGs (WHOI), have been deployed with the ARTS system. New projects adapt their own deployment carrier for specific tags, or they consult the firm of Lars Kleivane, LKARTS-Norway, to adapt their tags for deployments with the ARTS system*.
Biopsy System
LKARTS-Norway has developed a biopsy dart enabling full profile biopsy samples. Using the LKDart and biopsy tips from Finn Larsen (CetaDart, DK), the ARTS is operational up to 35m. You may consult the firm of Lars Kleivane, LKARTS-Norway, for more information.
Product ID: Art. No. 8000 Whale Tagger
- 1 Launcher
- 2 Launching tube 84 cm
- 1 Air cylinder
- 1 reduction valve with hose and connections
- 1 Red Dot aiming device
- 1 Suitcase waterproof
- 1 spareparts launcher
The owner of LKARTS-Norway, Lars Kleivane, developed the whale tagger ARTS in cooperation with Restech-Norway in 1997, and have since developed a number of deployment tools for the ARTS system, like the LKcarrier, the ARTSCarrier and the LKDart.
LKARTS-Norway operates internationally, and can be contracted for specific tag adaptations to the ARTS system. Kleivane has a clausal of been involved in field operations, when consulted.
If you have questions or would like to have a quote, please ad the product to the product list and send the info to us or to lkarts@lkarts.no